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Joined Jan '10

Oh my gosh, I need to update this thing. I'm still thirteen, I'm still a girl. XD Since you can learn a lot about a person by the music they like, I'll tell you. I hope you enjoy this little peek into my mind.

By Taylor Swift my favourite song is: Change. It's just so biblical and I just LOVE it.

By Skillet I like: One day too late. ("Tick tock hear the clock countdown. Wish the minute hand could be rewound..." EEP! I love it!) though I also LOVE Awake and Alive, which is so bloody awesome it's WRONG. My other favourites by Skillet (My skilly buddy) are The Fire Breathes and Live Free or Let Me Die. ? THEY ROQ!

By VNV Nation I really like: Beloved, Illusion, and Secluded Spaces. Though just about everything by them is WIN!

By Daughtry I like: No Surprise and What about Now

By 3 Doors Down I like: Citizen Soldiers (Standing on guard for the ones that we shelter, we'll always be ready because we will always be there) and Not My Time.

By A Fine Frenzy my favourite songs are: Rangers, The Minnow and the Trout, Ashes and Wine, and Hope for the Hopeless

By Shoko Nakagawa I like: Snow Tears, and Fairytale

By Enya I LOVE: Go to Beyond and Athair ar Neamh, as well as Exile.

I also happen to like SPIRAL DANCE by David Pendragon, as well as a fair group of strange songs by artists like Evanescence and the like. Oh, Iron Maiden and Dragonforce are two groups that I love the music of as well. Really I like anything that's clean and seems to speak to me.

I'm a huge fan of these books: Ranger's Apprentice (So far books one through eight.), Keys to the Kingdom (I've read all the way to Supierior Saturday), Septimus Heap (I've read all the way to Syren) Percy Jackson and the Olympians (whole series) The Door Within trilogy, the Isle of Swords duet (Get away from Kitty Cat, fangirls, he's MINE) All four books in the Dragons in our Midst series one, The Seer and the Sword (I love the main, he's awesome), Dr. Seuss (Anything and everything by him) Alex Rider (Entire current series) The Diamond brothers, and some others. Several, actually lol

I also like these movies,

King Arthur: Were it not for the unclean parts I would LOVE this movie to pieces. It's one of the few films that's made me cry. I love Tristan SO much lol

Tristan and Isolde: Blek, had to fast-forward too much, past the ickies, but it was a good film.

Man in the Iron Mask: Again, didn't like all of the nasties in this one. But the story was good!

The Muskateer: Ah, this one was nice...

First Knight: Can't say I actually liked Lance, but the film was AWESOME!

National Tresure 1 & 2: Oh, both of these were excellent! I especially love Riley ?

The Illusionist: Oh, so good except for that ONE part! I love this film ?

Spirited Away: Okay, it's been a LONG time since I saw this, as in, I was like five when I saw it the first time, so I just remember the woman with the big nose. But I like it because I remember it from that long ago, which merits some credit in any case.

Robin Hood: Any version, just about. My gosh I LOVE the Robin Hood legend, and Will scarlet is amazing ; I loved the version with Kevin Costner as Robby, until I found out that Willy had a toilet tongue at one part. Now I can never watch it again Mutters to self

Lord of the Rings: Does this really need a comment?

The Fox and the Hound: So good...

The Lion King: SOoooooo good!

The Swan Princess, Disney: EEP! I love this one. I don't know why, I just LIKE it a LOT! ;

Mulan: Well this one's just GREAT! ?

Pretty much I'll watch any and all fantasy so long as it's nice and clean ? Knights, castles, and dragons are just uber!

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