Okay guys long time no see I'm still getting E-mails saying you guys are still checking out my stuff so I have some news for all of you! I'm going to try to complete AotYB I only stopped because the computer that I had written all of the chapters on crashed and I lost all the work I had done. Well one new laptop later and a sudden burst of inspiration and here I am. I'll try to continue AoftYB but I'll probably go in a new direction. I'll also promise to start on some new stories as well. Stay tuned!
1. Adventures Of The Yoshi Bag
Adventures of the Yoshi Bag Sam is a 16 boy who loves his friends and has always been one for befriending the newbies. Little did he know that befriending the new girl May would send him face first into his enemies home and could drive a wedge between his best friends.
Canned Stories:
Randomness on a stick
Before. . .
Alice and Travis
Also I changed my Pen name from Chrissy-miles to crouton1 and now to Lethal Strike. It's the last change I sware!
Follow my Twitter, if you want: http://twitter.com/#!/LethalStrike