Just In
love the unknown PM
Joined Jun '10

Ello ello elllooo im Hannah you either love me or you hate mee (im just like marmite:D even though i cant stand it )

I love music, reading, writing and drawing though im not good at the last two but still there fun so who cares if im crap. I lovee playing the piano and ive tried quite a few other instuements but piano is the bestt :D

ok incase you havent already figured it out I ramble a lot of the time im very bad at knowin what to say so usually say nothing or go on about some random rubbish i know of which noone else cares about so yehh. Be warned!

Im weird, wacky but wonderful al the same and the phrase people say about me is 'Be afraid, be very afraid' I have no idea why im not THAT bad i only turn people weird and freak them out:D no harm done.

anyway im just gonns stop there cos ive run out of things to say which isnt much but yehhhhh so Byebyeeeeeeex

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