So this is Jess!
Had a break from writing but now I'm back!
Currently out of school for the summer holidays and this will be mean I will be writing a lot more.
Drop by an inbox, please! I'd love to hear people's opinions on my writing, or if you have any ideas for plots. I also need a beta reader and if you are interested please let me know.
- Forever Young -
Currently writing chapter 4.5. I'm back from my holidays in Scotland with a tan - believe it or not. I'm renewed with energy and will get it finished a posted soon.
After writing Beauty and the Beast, I pondered on the possibility of perhaps creating more one shots revolving around different fairy tales, but with darker themes and pitting them against modern life. They will not follow the plot of the actual fairy tales, rather the story being extremely loosely based, and having a few vague mentions to the actual tale. The next one I intend to do is Cinderella, the plot of which I will keep a secret.
-Beauty and the Beast-
This was a strange piece to write as it is written in my usual cheerful tone, and deals with darker themes. I enjoyed writing it however, as I feel it was more emotionally evoking than any of my previous work.
Books I wish I had written:
- The Hunger Games
- Hush Hush
- Twilight (The first one, not any of the others.)
- Confessions of Georgia Nicolson series
- Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly (This book is my absolute favourite of all time. It's written in such a beautiful way, and I cannot stress enough how much you should read this!)
- The Book Thief by Markus Zusak - Another one of my favourites. As is another title by him - I Am The Messenger
and a million others, but I will not waste your time further.