Just In
kneat PM
Joined Oct '10

Well, hallo there!

My name's Kneat.

I write stories.

And I like when other people read them.

I also like to state the obvious.

Be warned that a lot of the stuff I've got up here is fairly outdated, so if you have any major qualms with any of it, chances are I've improved now, at least a little bit! Also, you should know that I'm very impatient and also somewhat technologically-impaired so if there are a lot of weird formatting errors in my stories, that's to blame. It's also the reason why I don't usually go back to edit things or add in new chapters! xC I like to do this thing where I write a short, diary-ish vignette from the point of view of a character and then title it with their name, so you'll probably see a lot of that here. I have some angsty, depressing stuff stories up, but also a few happier, more inspiring ones as well, so feel free to poke around a bit... Shoot me a mail or something if you want to chat, ask questions, see more stories... I've had a history of logging on here only very sporadically, but I'm going to try to mend my ways now! (You can get in contact with me on Tumblr, if you want; my URL is ... but yes, that is just a shameless bit of advertising that's not really relevant to anything else on this profile at all! C:)

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