Just In
ColourCascade PM
Joined Oct '10

So after procrastinating for about a year and a half, I finally decided to write something for my profile today, so here's a little about myself:

I'm the kind of girl who finds her paintbrush in her maths textbook.

One of my most proudest achievements is being the best at naptime in preschool... just ask my teachers, they would agree.

Another of my achievements is winning a reading quiz in highschool... the cheap plastic trophy is displayed proudly on the shelf above my desk. (Who needs to be good at sports to win trophies anyway?)

My motto in life is "slow and steady wins the race". Most of the time I'm not aware there is a race.

I have a tendency to tune out and not notice ANYTHING. This happens when I'm reading too... in other words it happens a lot.

I also have tried a bit of writing, which I think I'm okay at but mostly they're just scenes, I can never seem to get a story finished. So that's why only my favourite stories are displayed on this profile that I've read on fictionpress.
Read them, personally I believe I have excellent taste.

I really really want to be able to write something, I always used to be able to so I am TELLING myself that when I have enough time in the holidays or something I will write something - for now I can brainstorm ideas. Until I have enough time cos at the moment when I have free time I tend to just relax and tune out and think or sleep. But I will.

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