Just In
Raasuha PM
Joined Oct '10

First of all, YES!

I'm well aware that I'm a Mexican (by the way I STILL live in Mexico) and my english may be sloppy, my knowledge of the language practically nonexistent but I still read and write in english.

-If anyone wonders about my gender I'll tell just to avoid any misunderstandings, I'm a FEMALE by birth but I would appreciate it greatly if you just moved in on that one...

Don't call me a female, please. If necessary just call me Raasu, not girl, woman, etc. You would avoid my rage...

Why? Because if I had a choice I'd rather be male.

I'm bi by the way.

17 March 2011

ok I lied...

I'm still in the construction of the characters and school has been a pain...

I already have a title and my main cast, I just need to work on the world and right now I plan around 30 chapters, but the number will most likely change...

The protagonists' names are Ryan and Land.

hurray to my eloquence. Life is still a noisy bitch.

9 Feb 2011

Working right now on a story...

First chapter will be up in a month or so...

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