Just In
erase.me.away PM
Joined Nov '10

So I guess I'm back?

It's summer, and exams are over. c:
I can finally relax and enjoy myself, well sorta.
Summer school is starting in like 2 days.
Don't worry, I didn't fail any courses, but I'm taking a new credit course, so I can get a course done early.

I'll be around, watching dramas, anime, reading and stuff.
I've decided to change my pen name to erase.me.away instead of strawberripinkicakes.

I'm not sure if i want to continue to update those other stories...
I'm too lazy, and I've been wanting to stick to a new style of writing.

I've been wanting to update for awhile now, but I've been too lazy.

Fiction: New story, once again. I guess it's sort of my "summer project". It should be finished before September.

Story Of My Life: I guess there really is no need to continue it, unless I feel like ranting on about life again, which probably will happen soon enough.

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Last updated - July 4th, 2011

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