8-5-2014 - After posting the (un-beta'd) recent chapter, I looked back on the previous chapter (VI) and abridged it. No major changes, but I felt some descriptions were melodramatic. No one likes melodrama.
7-5-2014 - Nearly 4,000 words into this latest chapter; no idea why it is being such a struggle.
5-22-2014 - Making progress on my un-beta'd chapters, but I still feel guilty posting without an editor.
3-9-2014 - I am in need of a beta for The Sealed. I am just looking for someone to help me polish off any language mistakes (grammar, typos, etc.) and possibly offer small suggestions of how to manipulate certain scenes/sections of prose in a better fashion. Contact me via PM if you are interested.
What to expect from such an author as the one you ponder now:
1. My story, The Sealed, will be updated fervently as possible.
2. Poetry! Ah, yes, I do enjoy it. I've been constructing brief poems inspired by life; your reviews are treasured as diamonds. But the above is my first priority.
3. Sadly, slow updates and long absences. When I'm not busied by "Real World" interruptions, I'll be here!