Just In
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My Stories 8
1A Hope with Birth This is a little poem about birth and the hopes/fears surrounding that person's life. It's pretty vague but that's intentional.
Poetry: Life, K, English, Drama & Spiritual, words: 111, 4/1/2020
A Chance Gone By This goes along will a headcanon of mine that I might write a story to but, yeah, a little poem dealing with the fae. Not a happy poem. someone (male in my mind but gender isn't mentioned) running from a pretty terrible situation. Rating and genres based on headcanon. The format is a little off because I can't enter line breaks so sorry about that.
Poetry: Fantasy, T, English, Fantasy & Horror, words: 230, favs: 1, follows: 1, 12/30/2019
A Martyr This is two poems combined to make one. Hopefully, the format holds correctly but I'm not making any bets.
Poetry: Religion, T, English, Spiritual & Tragedy, words: 94, 9/17/2019
2 A Warning Unheeded A poem about Fae and how pretty faces can hide terrible things.
Poetry: Fantasy, T, English, Horror & Fantasy, words: 76, favs: 1, follows: 1, 9/17/2019
2The Beginning A creation myth I wrote a few years ago. I decided to post what I had to see if there was any interest in me continuing it.
Fiction: Mythology, T, English, Spiritual & Fantasy, words: 319, 9/16/2019
1 Beware the Day I am not sure this is the right category so let me know if it's in the wrong one. We all know that monsters live in the dark, but what of those that walk in the light of day...
Poetry: Life, K+, English, Horror & Poetry, words: 137, 9/13/2019
2 They Tell Me Umm...Nothing special. About a girl who lost her brother I suppose.
Poetry: General, K, English, words: 122, favs: 1, 4/16/2011
3 Here I stand It's just something I wrote - not a happy poem
Poetry: General, K+, English, Hurt/Comfort, words: 52, 4/14/2011
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