PetalsFromTheForest PM
My Stories . Bio Fav: Stories . Authors
94 Of sweaters and heartache » by LyingOutLoud
I had a pretty good life going, but then my ex had to march into my favourite coffee bar and back into my life. I hate him. And his stupid sweater. Slash, m/m. Rated for language and some sexual content later on.
Fiction: Romance, M, English, Romance & Humor, chapters: 11, words: 14k+, favs: 262, follows: 55, updated: 9/29/2011 published: 8/2/2010
3 Immunity by panneler-san
She wasn't supposed to be there. The light of the sun killed everyone and anyone standing in it, except for her. The second she got home, she was going to kill her uncle for messing around with a time machine. Short Story
Fiction: Sci-Fi, T, English, Romance & Adventure, words: 2k+, favs: 5, 8/15/2011
1 The Neighborhood Sleuth by Michael of Starfall
Kendrick Perkins discovers that when you find yourself the target of the self-appointed neighborhood sleuth, there's nothing to do but duck your head and ride it out - and pray for exoneration.
Fiction: General, K, English, Humor, words: 1k+, favs: 1, 7/5/2011
14 Halfway Out » by LeahxLeah
Sam is a homophobe, and he makes no bones about letting the world know. What'll happen when he discovers Jake, his best friend, is actually gay? Slash.
Fiction: Romance, T, English, Romance & Drama, chapters: 3, words: 3k+, favs: 10, follows: 2, updated: 7/4/2011 published: 6/26/2011
1 The Catalyst by Forte Nox
Somewhere in that building is Raven, the reason Daniel's standing at the epicenter of the array of corpses and blood and gears, still clutching the lead pipe. 2 days, 19 hours and 27 minutes ago, this isn't how he assumed he'd be spending his Friday...
Fiction: Young Adult, T, English, Sci-Fi & Hurt/Comfort, words: 12k+, favs: 2, 5/29/2011
Trapped by cold-caffeine
The voices are telling Mary that she's evil, and she's starting to believe it. Contains themes of mental illness and asylums in the 1840s.
Fiction: Young Adult, T, English, Angst & Hurt/Comfort, words: 853, favs: 2, 5/24/2011
1 Another Day by LinedWithCharcoal
Another day, new flowers may bloom. Another day may come too soon. Another day, I might be ready to face That game they call life, to someday find my place.
Poetry: Life, K, English, words: 335, favs: 1, 11/10/2010
3 An Introduction by hogsy23
My effort at introducing my two Deicide characters the girl, Lenalee Maki and the lad, Lucian Bennett . All comments are read and appreciated but nice ones are better.
Fiction: Romance, K, English, Romance & Fantasy, words: 671, favs: 2, 11/8/2010