hey! was up veiwers! im just really glad that i foundthis web site now i can upload anything i want that comes to mind. Instead of writing disclaimorsand worrying about if the character is out of character(ooc). cough*fanfiction*cough you know for those of you who dont know. but i still love it.
: http://www.fanfiction.net/~nikeismynamedontwearitoout
i love to write things that come off the top of my head like; short stories and such. I think its really hard to do long stories cause I get off topic really quick.I like to let things flow and then if nothing else comes to mind then leave it alone(that kinda rhymed). I'm in the mist of writing a book; my mom gave me that task its going ok but not good enough i keeep getting bored(ADD sucks sometimes ).
books im currently reading:
the wizard heir by Cinda Williams Chima
Books i currently read:
daughters of the moon series.(not all of it but up to book 8)
you know what? if you wanna know then imma just say alot im a reader!
name:call me Nike!ilove the greek mythology.
age:classified(you don't need to know how young i am);)
favorite color:red and black.
Favorite song:
words I never said;lupe fiasco
love the way you lie pt.2;rihannah &emiminem
I was here;beyonce