Just In
Fractal Flaws PM
Joined Aug '11

23. Slightly Insane. Loves books, coffee and apples, and the word Autumn. Can read the back of a Ketchup bottle for entertainment if no other reading material is available. Can be caught singing in public, dancing in classrooms or sighing on terraces. Loves a good chat - so feel free to PM.

Also, I have a tumblr - theredhairedbrunette (just in case :P)

I've recently reinstated my love of Harry Potter Fan Fiction - The Red Haired Brunette

Reading - The Kailasa at Ellora by Vogler & Sekhsaria

Writing - Hello, Again/Image Of Perfection

Listening to - Mumford & Sons

PSA - I try and maintain my updates at a week's interval - no more, no less. If I miss a weekend, feel free to assume that my muse has abandoned me for the while but will be coerced back into action by the following week.

Hello Again

So basically, HA is my new born baby at just 6 weeks old. I'd take a moment to reiterate that it's more of an experiment than a fully fledged romance, but judging by the fairly positive reviews I've gotten so far, I'm definitely committing myself to see this project through. If you're one of those reviewers, know that I love you - you make my internship seem much less horrid :D

I'm also considering writing one-shots as offshoots of the original tale - the more I flesh out the characters, the more inclined I am to the idea. If you have any ideas or requests regarding the same, feel free to PM, and I'll try and do it justice.

Hello Again Playlist

I get by with a little help from my friends?

Chapter 1 - Firewood (Regina Spektor)

Chapter 2 - 1995 (The Radio Dept.)

Chapter 3 (Part 1) - Treacherous (Taylor Swift)

Chapter 3 (Part 2) - Yes Yes (The Colourist)

Chapter 3 (Part 3) - Lemonworld (The National)

Chapter 4 - Wait It Out (Imogen Heap)

Chapter 5 - Mortal Boy King (The Paper Kites)

Chapter 6 - The Cave (Mumford & Sons)

Chapter 7 - Viva La Vida (Coldplay)

Chapter 8 - Sweet Nothing (Calvin Harris Ft. Florence Welch, covered by Bastille)

Chapter 9 - Something (The Beatles)

Chapter 10 (Part 1) - Distance (Christina Perri)

Chapter 10 (Part 2) - Poison & Wine (The Civil Wars)

Chapter 11 - Smother (Daughter)

Chapter 12 - Rain (Breaking Benjamin)

Chapter 13 - Wasted (Low vs. Diamond)

Chapter 14 (Part 1) - The Ladder (Andrew Belle)

Chapter 14 (Part 2) - In My Veins (Andrew Belle)

I Died Today
An outtake from Hello Again - basically a short, terribly unpolished drabble I wrote one morning and held close to my heart for all the conversations it elicited. Though it never got the velvet glove treatment it may have deserved, I did stumble upon it after two years and Bam! inspiration struck.

For purposes of context, IDT is the poem Amelia is writing in the diner in the first chapter of HA.

How To Save A Life
A piece I wrote for a song-fic competition, this remains to date my most honest narrative about, well, myself. It's not terribly masterful, but it's from the heart, and written in 12 minutes flat, and hence it shall be featured very proudly. Also, The Fray is a great band!

I'm From
I don't dabble much in poetry, but often, I will pen out whatever randomness enters my head. Written for another competition, this piece is a very good example of the sort of imagery I personally enjoy - trivial and utterly forgettable.

Just Another Girl
Yet another piece written for a competition, the prompt being 'describe yourself through the eyes of a third person'. I had quite a lot of introspective fun writing it, and am thinking of printing this out in flyers and handing it out to people who wish to 'know me better' when I'm particularly grouchy :P

Image Of Perfection
Simply put, I'm a Potterhead. And like all Potterheads, I love the new generation mainly for the ample opportunities it provides me for continuing to escape off into the wizarding world. This is where IoP comes in - you see, I made a false start in writing serialized fiction about 4 years ago right after school ended, a tale which never quite left my mind and which I intend to complete now that I have more time on my hands. So if you're interested in reading Dominique Weasley's diary, head over to my Fanfiction.net account. It's (almost) worth the read!

Always review - it makes a fellow fictioneer grin like an idiot in public and makes the world a better place - Abraham Lincoln, probably

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