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TheWritingDancer PM
My Stories 3
There She Stood A woman's thoughts as she lies on her death bed.
Fiction: General, T, English, words: 975, 8/19/2014
1 To A Lost Friend My best friend basically left me one time, but she came back, and we are closer together than ever, I dedicate this poem to her, she knows who she is. XOXO I love you, Unkown BFF who I don't want to name for safety. Don't ever leave me again, I hope this poem assures you that I'm not gonna leave you, not gonna stop even stop, ever. You're my Best Friend Forever. Literally.
Poetry: Friendship, K, English, Friendship, words: 231, favs: 1, 6/5/2012
2 The Battle of The Seasons This is a poem I wrote once because I felt like writing abut the weather, I was sort of inspired by the old American-Indian stories. I think it turned out well, please give it a go. Rainbow Jellybean
Poetry: Nature, K, English, Poetry, words: 172, favs: 2, follows: 1, 4/29/2012
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