My Stories 25
Homework : A Procrastinator's Point of View
Lol I'm a bit of a procrastinator when it comes to homework or any thing of that type, so here is a little bit of humor to sum up how I and probably some other procrastinators feel when it comes time to turn in our work!
Poetry: Humor, K+, English, Humor & Suspense, words: 74, favs: 1, 1/28/2013
Anger Management Fail
lol hey, this is really just a rant. I don't actually have anger management issues.
Poetry: Life, K+, English, words: 46, 1/12/2013
Live on
This is for those of you who feel like just giving up. There ARE people who care about you, even if you don't realize it! So please live on.
Poetry: Life, K+, English, Hurt/Comfort & Tragedy, words: 56, 12/28/2012
Just a little poem about ice. It's still storybook101, I just put a cover image on this poem.
Poetry: Nature, K+, English, words: 113, 12/25/2012
Only Human
A poem for everyone out there who feels un-wanted or sad, just know you are a real person who matters.
Poetry: Life, T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Friendship, words: 156, 12/24/2012
American Revolution
This is a poem about Americans in the time of the American Revolution.
Poetry: Politics, K+, English, words: 58, 12/24/2012
This is a short Poem about longboarding that I wrote.
Poetry: Life, K+, English, Adventure, words: 100, 12/24/2012
Stand Strong
This is a poem saying that no matter how much hurt or pain or sadness there is in the world, there is always someone fighting for whats right. Even if it's in little ways, or even if all hope seems lost.
Poetry: Life, T, English, Hurt/Comfort, words: 142, 12/24/2012
For All Geeks
This is a little poem in dedication to all geeks. Even though all of us geeks would probably know how to fix this person's problem. So any way, here is your poem geeks!
Poetry: Life, K+, English, Humor, words: 57, 12/24/2012
Wheat Sea
This poem is about a vast golden sea - made of wheat. I just thought about how beautiful wheat feilds can be so I wrote this. It's kind of random, but what the heck. :)
Poetry: Nature, K, English, Poetry, words: 72, 12/22/2012
A Little Nerdy
This is about a nerdy girl who is secretly a really awesome rocker. Ha ha ha for someone I know. LOL
Poetry: Life, T, English, Humor & Poetry, words: 189, favs: 1, 12/18/2012
I could never guess how traumatic it must be to fight in war. But yeah I wrote this to say that I can still guess how painful it must be. So people who read this spread the message to respect those who fight for your country! I salute you USA military.
Poetry: War, T, English, Tragedy & Poetry, words: 328, 12/18/2012
One Dream
People make everything so complicated, why can't we all just get along. I don't mean be clones of each other, being different is to much fun, but we shouldn't use, hate, hurt, ect. each other.
Poetry: Politics, K+, English, Crime & Hurt/Comfort, words: 48, favs: 1, follows: 1, 12/18/2012
Say You're Sorry
A friend said something that stung pretty bad to me recently, and won't apologize. It stings even more that she treats me like I'm the bad guy! I know this probably sounds petty, but it hurt so I wrote this poem about it. Hurt/comfort without the comfort.
Poetry: Life, K+, English, Friendship & Hurt/Comfort, words: 79, 12/18/2012
Owww... I have a head-ache...*moan*...This is my message to it!
Poetry: Humor, K, English, Humor & Hurt/Comfort, words: 35, 12/17/2012
A Girl I Know
One of my friends is different from most people at my school, but it doesn't bother her that much. My school is geared toward athletics and, well, she's not in to any of the school athletics. So I wrote this poem for her to say how proud I am of her being herself!
Poetry: Friendship, K+, English, Friendship & Hurt/Comfort, words: 187, 12/13/2012
2The Samurai
This haiku is the longest one I've written. It could be better, please give me some constructive criticism. I worked really hard on it. Oh! It's about a samurai who fights through out the night and meets a sad fate...
Poetry: Haiku, T, English, Poetry & Tragedy, words: 95, 12/13/2012
Yeah... somehow I ended up watching Spongebob and I randomly decided to write this :b
Poetry: Haiku, K, English, Poetry & Humor, words: 12, 12/13/2012
Cherry Blossom
Cherry blossoms intrigue me, although sadly I have never seen any in real life, but I do love the way they are portrayed in anime!
Poetry: Haiku, K, English, Poetry, words: 11, 12/13/2012
Skateboarders toward the biased
Anyway this is how I feel when people say that they think skateboarding is for trouble makers or stupid stuff like makes me sad to see biased people against skateboarding and skateboarders. Skateboarding helps keep teens out of trouble and keep in shape. I just wish people would realize that skateboarding isn't bad, it's as much of a sport as football!
Poetry: Haiku, T, English, Poetry, words: 13, 12/12/2012