If you're reading this then hopefully you've been impressed by something I've written, in which case please tell me! I try not to forget any of the compliments I get and I try my best to say thank you for all of them.
Maybe you're reading this because you're a bit nosy, in which case:
I am from the UK (so sorry if I use any accidental British-isms in stories set in the US, I am trying hard not to)
I suffer from an obsession with speech (so sorry if you feel like you've read a play script)
If you have any other questions/comments/rave reviews, please do message me :)
Arowana x
P.S. To check out authors notes etc I have a Twitter account: @ArowanaFlounder
P.P.S. I totally copied this profile blurb from my fanfiction profile (http://www.fanfiction.net/u/3944898/Arowana-Flounder ) because I suck at writing about myself so check me out there if you're interested.