BananaPhobia PM
Never Really Did
A vague poem I wrote with a tune in mind. I like this one a lot because it has actually a very specific story, but it's hard to decipher.
Poetry: Song, K+, English, Poetry, words: 323, 9/1/2013
-New- -Continue- -Exit-
These are four pieces of poetry that are all based off of something, and all of them follow a specific theme. See if you can guess what each poem is inspired by, and if you can guess the theme! (I might even give you a reward if you guess correctly... ;D) Hint: The first one, if you've heard of it, is easy to guess.
Poetry: General, K+, English, Horror, words: 275, 8/19/2013
2Sometimes »
Ever since Destiny died, Eve has been swirling in an endless rollercoaster of doubt and anxiety. Pretty soon, a serial killer breaks loose and hundreds of people start dying out of the blue. With the help of her new friend, Lucas, Eve is determined to find out who the killer is... and it might not be who she thinks.
Fiction: Romance, T, English, Romance & Horror, chapters: 5, words: 6k+, follows: 1, updated: 5/28/2013 published: 4/21/2013
3 Clockwise
This is a preview to an upcoming story I'm in the process of inventing, so some things might not entirely make sense. Basically, it's just a poem tribute to my upcoming story.
Poetry: General, T, English, Poetry, words: 513, favs: 1, 5/10/2013
3 A Really Stupid Poem about Love
The title says it all.
Poetry: Love, K, English, Romance & Poetry, words: 75, 4/19/2013
1 Thunderstorm
Just a little part of a song i'mthinking about writing!
Poetry: Song, K, English, Hurt/Comfort, words: 200, 4/10/2013