Just In
Infinitely Silent PM
Favorite Stories 14
2 You smiled too? by Pixiedragon25 When smiling gets you no where anymore... A companion poem to 'Crossed paths'...
Poetry: Friendship, K+, English, Poetry & Hurt/Comfort, words: 123, favs: 1, 7/10/2013
1 Enough by Pixiedragon25 Basically I've had enough! :
Poetry: Life, T, English, Hurt/Comfort, words: 353, favs: 1, 7/7/2013
1 Oh, Why Pain? by Distance Navigator Pain is reliable; it is what we need, It's like the loss of a leaf, recovering double greener.
Poetry: Life, K, English, Poetry & Spiritual, words: 106, favs: 1, 6/9/2013
1 So Just Let Me Say by Pixiedragon25 I can't give anything away, Hope you like!
Poetry: Friendship, K+, English, Friendship, words: 114, favs: 1, 6/6/2013
3 Time to Say Goodbye by bitterbychoice I lament the ending of a friendship and learn to move on.
Poetry: Friendship, K, English, Friendship, words: 102, favs: 1, 6/1/2013
1Someone You Hate by musicinmosaic How do you love someone you hate?
Poetry: Love, K+, English, Hurt/Comfort, words: 85, favs: 1, 5/22/2013
3 CtrlZ by AFractionOfMySoul What hitting backspace can lead to...
Poetry: Friendship, K+, English, Friendship & Hurt/Comfort, words: 113, favs: 2, 5/4/2013
1 Unrelenting by thehighestsin I might have had a future with him, but time can't change the past
Poetry: Love, K, English, Hurt/Comfort, words: 71, favs: 2, 4/23/2013
1 When you wait by Going with the Tide Why you should always wait.
Poetry: Love, K, English, Poetry & Family, words: 83, favs: 1, 4/21/2013
1 Okay by Jeane Swift An honest poem, directed towards someone I love when he started hating me.
Poetry: Love, K, English, Drama, words: 260, favs: 1, 4/21/2013
3 LOVE » by Pixiedragon25 These are all poems about love. Hope you like them. They are all mine, so no stealing and I hope you like them. Reviews are greatly appreciated.
Poetry: Love, K+, English, Poetry & Friendship, chapters: 10, words: 762, favs: 1, 4/15/2013
3 What Is Left Unnoticed by TheForgottenWarrior What is left unnoticed? What is left unseen and unobserved? There are times in our life when we all feel "passed over." In this day and age in society, it seems as if this is a common occurrence. I take this gesture into another perspective with an "ordinary thing" poem with a clear message.
Poetry: Life, K, English, Poetry, words: 92, favs: 1, 2/24/2013
4 Thinking of You by RedactedNoLongerWriting I think those three little words all the time... "I miss you." Poetry-prose
Poetry: Family, K, English, Hurt/Comfort & Family, words: 308, favs: 1, 10/20/2011
20 The Test by royallyinsane1 What would you do if a man came into your classroom with a gun? ...Probably not what you would think.
Fiction: Spiritual, K+, English, Spiritual & Suspense, words: 2k+, favs: 15, 9/1/2008
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